Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DP/8267-8273 | Building control plans of Tickhill Road | 1927-1933 | Maps/Plans | Balby | South Yorkshire |
DP/8325-8335 | Building control plans of Victoria Road | 1927-1933 | Maps/Plans | Balby | South Yorkshire |
DP/8459-8499 | Building control plans of Wentworth Road | 1927-1933 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/8539-8559 | Building control plans of properties | 1927-1933 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Waterdale | South Yorkshire |
AB/ARCH/1/1215-1216 | Hexthorpe Flatts | 1927-1934 | Maps/Plans | Hexthorpe | South Yorkshire |
P1/4/D12/6 | Proposed alterations | 1927-1934 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, St George | South Yorkshire |
P1/4/D23 | Alterations to church schools | 1927-1934 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, St George | South Yorkshire |
DD/CROM/5/5 | Newspaper cuttings | 1927-1937 | Publications | Miami Beach, Florida | U.S.A. |
DP/10108-10114 | Building control plans of Shadyside | 1927-1937 | Maps/Plans | Hexthorpe | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MZ/121/6 | St Joseph and St Theresa Roman Catholic church registers | 1927-1938 | Nonconformist Churches | Woodlands | South Yorkshire |
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