Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DD/DC/D/384 | Conveyance and mortgage | 10 Apr 1844 | Estate | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/D/385 | Covenant to produce deeds relating to a conveyance and mortgage | 10 Apr 1844 | Estate | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/D/388 | Assignment of a mortgage | 1 Dec 1846 | Estate | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/D/525 | Quitclaim | Dec 1833 | Estate | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/D/526 | Lease and release of a moiety | Dec 1833 | Estate | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/D/527 | Covenant for the production of deeds relating to the lease and release of a moiety | 1833 | Estate | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/D/552/2 | Memorandum surrendering right and title to house, barns and lands | 14 Jan 1704 | Estate | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/D/552/12 | Abstract of title | late 18th century | Estate | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/C2/64 | Correspondence relating to the letting of South Farm house | 1946-1947 | Estate | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/500/6 | Correspondence file relating to research done on Skellow Hall and the Anne family | Jan-Jul 1966 | Estate | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
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