Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
P39/10/20 | Copies of property guides for sale of land and property | 1928-1945 | Sales Catalogues | Goole | East Yorkshire |
P38/8/1 | Logbook for National Infants School | 1895-1937 | Schools | Goole | East Yorkshire |
P38/8/2 | Managers minute book for the National Infants School | 1904-1937 | Schools | Goole | East Yorkshire |
P38/8/4 | Plans of National Infants School showing heating apparatus | 1943 | Schools | Goole | East Yorkshire |
P74/8/3 | Papers about reorganisation of secondary education | 1965 | Schools | Goole | East Yorkshire |
DY/GBF/10 | Sheet 252 | 1854 | Ordnance Survey | Goole | East Yorkshire |
MB/PROP/1/27 | Survey of Alexandra Street Board Boys | 1903-1904 | Schools | Goole | East Yorkshire |
MB/PROP/1/28 | Survey of Alexandra Street Board Girls | 1903-1904 | Schools | Goole | East Yorkshire |
MB/PROP/1/29 | Survey of Alexandra Street Board Infants | 1903-1904 | Schools | Goole | East Yorkshire |
MB/PROP/1/30 | Survey of Boothferry Road Board Boys | 1903-1904 | Schools | Goole | East Yorkshire |
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