Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
P39/2/B5 | 6 inch sheet showing glebe lands | about 1854 | Ordnance Survey | Goole | East Yorkshire |
DY/MERRY/3 | Sheet 237.16 | 1907 | Ordnance Survey | Goole | East Yorkshire |
DD/WN/B11/8 | Memorandum book for the Tuberculosis Care Committee | 1923-1934 | Organisations | Goole | East Yorkshire |
DD/WN/B11/23 | Annual returns for the Tuberculosis Care Committee Local Care Committee | 1940-1945 | Organisations | Goole | East Yorkshire |
DD/WN/B11/29-32 | Local Committee for the Tuberculosis Care Committee | 1924-1927 | Organisations | Goole | East Yorkshire |
DS/14/4/6 | Subject file on Labour Party Young Socialists | 1970s | Organisations | Goole | East Yorkshire |
AB/PLAN/1/14-26 | Public local inquiries on the M18 Rotherham to Goole motorway | 1971 | Other Local Government | Goole | East Yorkshire |
P19/10/7 | Footpath survey | 1960 | Other Local Government | Goole | East Yorkshire |
AHA/3/4 | Medical Officer of Health reports | 1967-1971 | Other Local Government | Goole | East Yorkshire |
DZ/DAY/10/1 | Goole Times supplement on the 150th anniversary of the Port of Goole | 16 Jul 1978 | Publications | Goole | East Yorkshire |
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