Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
SY/307/Z1/2 Order of Service for laying up of guidon of the Queen's Own Yorkshire Dragoons 1959 Military Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire
SY/307/Z1/2 Order of Service at Doncaster St George for laying up of guidon of the Queen's Own Yorkshire Dragoons 1959 Military Yorkshire Yorkshire
SY/508/G14/3 Profit and loss account and balance sheet for Comrades Club 1959 Business Woodlands South Yorkshire
SY/508/G31/1-2 Report and enquiry into colliery accident 1959 Coal Mining Walton West Yorkshire
SY/508/G33/3 Text of speech by J.R.A. Machen, President of the N.U.M. [National Union of Mineworkers] for the Yorkshire region, for the Trades Union Congress 1959 Organisations Blackpool Lancashire
AB/TREAS/2/27/10 Annotated to show proposed shopping redevelopment 1959 Ordnance Survey Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
P1/4/D11/4 Burial ground 1959 Maps/Plans Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire
SR/137/8/1-71 First and Middle School, various 1958-1994 Photographs Braithwell South Yorkshire
SR/141 Curlew Middle School records 1958-1994 Schools Wheatley South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/817/4/1-10 Brochure, programmes, order of service and other items relating to Methodist church 1958-1991 Nonconformist Churches Doncaster, Priory Place South Yorkshire

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