Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P38/3/E7 Heating apparatus at church of St John the Evangelist 1937 Maps/Plans Goole East Yorkshire
P38/8/4 School heating apparatus 1943 Maps/Plans Goole East Yorkshire
DY/DAW/9/148 Airmyn estate 1948 Maps/Plans Goole East Yorkshire
P38/8/6 Proposed alterations to school 1961-1974 Maps/Plans Goole East Yorkshire
P38/2/B2/1 Churchyard of St John the Evangelist 1964 Maps/Plans Goole East Yorkshire
P38/2/B1/5 Clifton Gardens 1972-1981 Maps/Plans Goole East Yorkshire
P38/3/E9 Proposed oak stand 1978 Maps/Plans Goole East Yorkshire
P38/2/B1/7 Clifton Gardens, proposed vicarage 1978-1992 Maps/Plans Goole East Yorkshire
DD/WN/A12/12 Sheet 79 1895 Ordnance Survey Goole East Yorkshire
P39/2/B5 Ordnance Survey map showing glebe lands about 1854 Anglican Parish Goole East Yorkshire

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