Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DS/131/6/204 | Lands at railway station | 1911 | Maps/Plans | Gordon Hill | London |
DS/131/6/204 | Plan of station lands | 1911 | Railways | Gordon Hill | London |
DZ/MD/509/2 | Plans and sections of proposed works | 1927 | Railways | Goole Fields | East Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/509/2 | Proposed railway works | 1927 | Maps/Plans | Goole Fields | East Yorkshire |
DX/TB/10/3/4 | Draft contract and other items relating to Goole Fields Farm | Jul-Aug 1889 | Deeds | Goole Fields | East Yorkshire |
DX/TB/10/3/4 | Goole Fields Farm | 1889 | Maps/Plans | Goole Fields | East Yorkshire |
DY/STAN/6/45 | Industrial site | 1976 | Photographs | Goole | East Yorkshire |
DY/STAN/6/45 | 46 Pasture Road | 1985 | Photographs | Goole | East Yorkshire |
DY/BML/4/9 | Goole Moors | 1960s-1970s | Photographs | Goole | East Yorkshire |
P60/10/23/12 | Local men serving in the armed forces | 1939 | Photographs | Goole | East Yorkshire |
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