Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/DAW/9/85 Auction sale catalogue for Anne Arms Inn, with plan and illustration 7 Jun 1898 Business Sutton South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/9/85 Anne Arms Inn [Illustration] 1898 Photographs Sutton South Yorkshire
P15/9/B1 Map 1838 Tithe Sutton South Yorkshire
P15/9/B1 Tithe 1838 Maps/Plans Sutton South Yorkshire
P15/9/B2 Apportionment 1838 Tithe Sutton South Yorkshire
P15/9/B3 Altered apportionment 1852 Tithe Sutton South Yorkshire
DD/DC/O2/3/8 Apportionment 1838 Tithe Sutton South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64488 Apportionment, copy 19th century Tithe Sutton South Yorkshire
PR/NOR/4/4 Altered apportionment, with map 1859 Tithe Sutton South Yorkshire
PR/NOR/4/4 Tithe 1859 Maps/Plans Sutton South Yorkshire

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