Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/61286 Abstracts of title to land 1839-1843 Deeds Great Corringham Lincolnshire
DX/WALK/2/45 Act 1795 Enclosure Great Barr Staffordshire
P59/6/B7/3 Correspondence and vouchers from the overseers about 1800-1836 Civil Parish Greasborough South Yorkshire
DD/CL/2/100 Bond relating to arable ground in common field 20 Mar 1637 Deeds Greasborough South Yorkshire
DD/CL/2/101 Bond relating to arable ground in common field 20 Apr 1648 Deeds Greasborough South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/12/1/1 Abstract of title to hereditaments 1801 Deeds Greasborough South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/12/1/2 Abstract of conveyance of hereditaments and premises about 1877 Deeds Greasborough South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/12/1/3 Agreement for the yearly tenancy of the Yellow Lion Inn 31 Jul 1877 Deeds Greasborough South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/12/1/3 Agreement for the yearly tenancy of the Yellow Lion Inn 31 Jul 1877 Business Greasborough South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/12/1/9 Draft abstracts of title to land late 19th century Deeds Greasborough South Yorkshire

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