Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DX/BAX/24/1/1 | Valuation | late 19th century | Estate | Luddington | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/24/5/1 | Fire insurance policy for a farmhouse | 1844 | Estate | Luddington | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/24/4/6 | Draft sale particulars | Dec 1875 | Estate | Luddington | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/61263 | Bundle of printed sale conditions relating to the Coulman estates | 1875 | Estate | Luddington | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/60841 | Abstract of title and other deeds | 1792-1793 | Estate | Lutterworth | Leicestershire |
DX/BAX/MAP 79 | Plan of Moorbarns estate | 1808 | Estate | Lutterworth | Leicestershire |
DX/BAX/64313 | Abstract of title to Moorbarns estate | 1664-1792 | Estate | Lutterworth | Leicestershire |
DX/BAX/S/VOLUME 2 | Sale particulars for Moorbarns estate | 1 Mar 1808 | Estate | Lutterworth | Leicestershire |
DX/TB/4/35 | Title deeds | 1686-1792 | Estate | Maltby | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/61202 | Residuary account of the estate of Samuel Alexander Cooke | 1854 | Estate | Maltby | South Yorkshire |
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