Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
P22/2/D4 | Copy will of John Wirrall, first of the family to occupy Loversall Hall | 1513 | Estate | Loversall | South Yorkshire |
P22/10/6 | Photograph of the funeral procession of Miss Mary Skipwith of Loversall Hall | 1924 | Estate | Loversall | South Yorkshire |
DD/WN/A8/6 | Correspondence with the South Yorkshire Joint Line concerning the estate of Mrs Skipwith | 1905 | Estate | Loversall | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/61199/1 | Counterpart lease of Loversall Hall | 1892 | Estate | Loversall | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/61199/2 | Plan of roof of Loversall Hall | 1892 | Estate | Loversall | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/62011 | Draft specification for fire insurance of property belonging to Mrs Skipwith of Loversall Hall | late 19th century-early 20th century | Estate | Loversall | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/62012 | Draft lease of sporting rights | 1905 | Estate | Loversall | South Yorkshire |
DH/2/25 | Plan of St Catherine's estate | 1931 | Estate | Loversall | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/500/5 | Correspondence file concerning Loversall Hall and the village | Jul-Dec 1965 | Estate | Loversall | South Yorkshire |
DD/BW/E1/11 | Survey of Wrightson property | 1833 | Estate | Loversall | South Yorkshire |
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