Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/BW/Y32 Population statement 1811 Census Strafforth South Yorkshire
DD/CROM/11/4-5 Lay subsidies 1594-1602 Estate Strafforth South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/85/HP/32/1 Subsidy roll 1599 Manorial Strafforth South Yorkshire
AB/10/25 List of fees in the Wapontake Court due to the Steward and Bailiff of Doncaster early 18th century Manorial Strafforth South Yorkshire
AB/10/25 List of fees in the Wapontake Court due to the Steward and Bailiff of Doncaster early 18th century Other Local Government Strafforth South Yorkshire
AB/10/16 Instruction for Chief Constable for levying financial assessments for military purposes 1644 Other Local Government Strafforth South Yorkshire
AB/10/16 Instruction for Chief Constable for levying financial assessments for military purposes 1644 Military Strafforth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/P159 List of principals and their contributions ordered to send horses to the militia 1692 Other Local Government Strafforth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/P159 List of principals and their contributions ordered to send horses to the militia 1692 Military Strafforth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/L63 Statement of money collected and disbursed in the wapentake 1747-1749 Other Local Government Strafforth South Yorkshire

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