Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/535/29 Postcard of Hawnby Hotel early 20th century Business Hawnby North Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60914 Draft deeds, correspondence, plans and abstract of title relating to land sold to the Great Northern Railway 1865-1866 Business Haxey Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/62226 Miscellaneous papers relating to a rent arising out of land sold to the Yorkshire District Light Railway Syndicate for the Isle of Axholme Light Railway 1900-1904 Business Haxey Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/64340 Sale particulars for agricultural portion of Hatfield Chace Corporation estates 26 Jul 1919 Business Haxey Lincolnshire
DY/BRB/2/7 Plans of property belonging to the Great Northern Railway 1903 Business Heanor Derbyshire
DY/GBF/7/8 Ordnance Survey map annotated to show areas assigned to Boring Companies early 20th century Business Hemingbrough North Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/4/4 Share certificates, correspondence and other items relating to the sale of a share in the Hemsworth Colliery Company Limited 1891-1929 Business Hemsworth West Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/4/6 Bankruptcy of Richard Fosdick and Company 1913 Business Hemsworth West Yorkshire
DZ/MD/704/1-3 Records of RFS Industries Limited 1989-1994 Business Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/704/4-9 Records of Specialist Rail Products Limited 1989-1994 Business Hexthorpe South Yorkshire

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