Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/WHIT/42-44 Annual reports of Youth Employment Sub-Committee and Service 1961-1968 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/SS/2/2/2 Miscellaneous correspondence relating to children at Stanley House 1961-1965 Urban District Council Balby South Yorkshire
P72/3/E7 Repairs to chancel of parish church 1961-1963 Maps/Plans Kilnhurst South Yorkshire
SC/1/5/4-12 Day Training College, various groups of staff and students 1961-1962 Photographs Swinton South Yorkshire
SR128/4/1-3 Secondary School 1961-1962 Maps/Plans Norton South Yorkshire
DD/CAMPBELL/1/14 Album of photographs relating to the rope testing station 1961 Photographs Blakeney Norfolk
DD/CAMPBELL/1/14 Album of photographs relating to the rope testing station 1961 Photographs Walsingham Norfolk
UD/CON/4/13-15 Aerial photographs 1961 Photographs Conisbrough South Yorkshire
UD/CON/4/17 Old people's bungalows, All Saints' Square 1961 Photographs Denaby Main South Yorkshire
SC/1/5/2 Day Training College, group of Staff and students 1961 Photographs Swinton South Yorkshire

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