Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
MC/6 | Borough Advisory Committee records | 1911-1952 | Magistrates Court District | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
MC/7 | Commissions of the Peace records | 1836-1974 | Magistrates Court District | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
MC/8 | Magistrate's court records | 1926-1983 | Magistrates Court District | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
QS | Quarter Sessions records | 1836-1974 | County Borough | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DD/WHIT/54 | Report to the Justices | 1964 | Magistrates Court District | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DD/BW/P68-69 | Resolutions of magistrates concerning the high price of corn | 1795 | Magistrates Court District | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/797/14 | Letter about accommodation for magistrates' court | 25 Mar 1843 | Magistrates Court District | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/797/13 | Section plan of magistrates court and office | 1843 | Magistrates Court District | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/797/13 | Magistrates court and office | 1843 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DX/TB/9/3/1 | Map of drainage area | 1940 | Land Drainage | Potteric Carr | South Yorkshire |
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