Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DX/BAX/61685 | Lease of a messuage and lands | 1784 | Deeds | Hardingham | Norfolk |
DX/BAX/61690/1-5 | Miscellaneous deeds relating to the estates of the Woodyeare family | 1844-1871 | Deeds | Hardingham | Norfolk |
DX/BAX/61690/1-5 | Miscellaneous deeds relating to the estates of the Woodyeare family | 1844-1871 | Estate | Hardingham | Norfolk |
DX/BAX/61664/1-10 | Miscellaneous deeds relating to the estates of the Woodyeare family | 1813-1846 | Deeds | Hardingham | Norfolk |
DX/BAX/61664/1-10 | Miscellaneous deeds relating to the estates of the Woodyeare family | 1813-1846 | Estate | Hardingham | Norfolk |
DX/BAX/61686 | Papers relating to the sale of the estate of F.J. Woodyeare | 1840 | Estate | Hardingham | Norfolk |
DX/BAX/61687 | Bundle of correspondence relating to the sale | 1840-1854 | Estate | Hardingham | Norfolk |
DX/BAX/61688/1-2 | Abstracts of title and draft deeds relating to the sale of the estate | 1840-1854 | Deeds | Hardingham | Norfolk |
DX/BAX/61688/1-2 | Abstracts of title and draft deeds relating to the sale | 1840-1854 | Estate | Hardingham | Norfolk |
DX/BAX/61689 | Abstracts of title, copies of deeds and other items relating to the estate of the Woodyeare family | 1680-1845 | Deeds | Hardingham | Norfolk |
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