Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P72/2/B6 Correspondence concerning the sale of 24 Queen's Road 1962-1968 Business Wimbledon London
MC/3/16/23 Plans, correspondence and newspaper cuttings relating to the licensing of the Excel Bowling Club 1962-1967 Business Doncaster, East Laith Gate South Yorkshire
MC/3/16/23 Newspaper cuttings relating to the licensing of the Excel Bowling Club 1962-1967 Publications Doncaster, East Laith Gate South Yorkshire
DY/JOHN/4 Correspondence relating to the redevelopment of the Foljambe estate 1962-1966 Estate Wadworth South Yorkshire
MC/3/16/22 Plans and correspondence relating to the licence of Hodgson and Hepworth's cafe 1962-1965 Business Doncaster, St Sepulchre Gate South Yorkshire
SR/156/2 Girls County Secondary School 1962-1964 Maps/Plans Rossington South Yorkshire
DD/DC/C2/120 Water supply 1962-1963 Maps/Plans Owston South Yorkshire
P70/10/15 Sheet SE 3605/3705 1962 Ordnance Survey Ardsley South Yorkshire
P70/10/9 Sheet SE 3605/3705 1962 Ordnance Survey Ardsley South Yorkshire
DD/CAMPBELL/1/48 Tamar Road Suspension Bridge and toll booths 1962 Photographs Tamar Cornwall

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