Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DX/TAY/42/7 | Mortgage of equities of redemption | 12 Jun 1854 | Estate | Hatfield | South Yorkshire |
DX/TAY/55/21 | Copy abstract of title | 1860 | Estate | Hatfield | South Yorkshire |
DX/TAY/55/23 | Abstract of title | 1860 | Estate | Hatfield | South Yorkshire |
DX/TAY/54 | Abstract of title | 1850 | Estate | Hatfield | South Yorkshire |
DX/TAY/56/3 | Abstract of title | 5 Jun 1858 | Estate | Hatfield | South Yorkshire |
DX/TAY/56/5 | Abstract of title | 1883 | Estate | Hatfield | South Yorkshire |
DX/TAY/56/8 | Abstract of title | late 19th century | Estate | Hatfield | South Yorkshire |
DX/TAY/63 | Copy declaration as to identity relating to the estates of Makin Durham, with plan | 28 Jul 1879 | Estate | Hatfield | South Yorkshire |
DX/TB/4/141 | Abstracts of title to a copyhold estate | 1688-1818 | Estate | South Bramwith | South Yorkshire |
DD/COV/6/34 | Miscellaneous deeds, correspondence, sale plans and particulars | 1790-1852 | Estate | Hatfield Woodhouse | South Yorkshire |
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