Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DS/131/6/217 Plan of lands 1911 Railways Harrogate North Yorkshire
P1/1/G8/17 Correspondence between the Sea Cadet Corps and Reverend Geoffrey Lawn of Doncaster St George regarding the Trafalgar Day parade 1973-1976 Military Harrogate North Yorkshire
DD/COV/11/4 Lease of land Mar 1871 Deeds Harraton Tyne & Wear
DS/131/6/032 Railway lands 1911 Maps/Plans Harpenden Hertfordshire
DS/131/6/032 Plan of lands 1911 Railways Harpenden Hertfordshire
DS/131/6/207 Lands at railway station 1911 Maps/Plans Harpenden Hertfordshire
DS/131/6/207 Plan of station lands 1911 Railways Harpenden Hertfordshire
DZ/MD/676/1 Doncaster Community Archive: Images of people and places [CD-ROM] 2002 Photographs Harlington South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/9/76 Auction sale catalogue, with plan 9 Oct 1928 Estate Harlington South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/9/76 Estate 1928 Maps/Plans Harlington South Yorkshire

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