Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DS/14/8/5 Egypt-the January Events 1977 Publications Egypt Egypt
DD/BW/Y14 Dispatch from The Times about the Battle 3 Oct 1798 Publications Egypt Egypt
DD/BW/Y14 Dispatch from The Times about the Battle 3 Oct 1798 Military Egypt Egypt
DD/MF/ADD/8 Foreign Office file on the arrest of a Russian editor in Alexandria 1913 Other Records Egypt Egypt
DD/WA/A10 Chronological table of events between 747BC and 607BC 1830s Other Records Egypt Egypt
DD/NUT/1/14 Military campaign 1941 Maps/Plans Matruh Egypt
DD/NUT/1/14 Map relating to campaign 1941 Military Matruh Egypt
DD/WA/B1/1 Account book of William Benson, clothier 1745-1760 Business England England
DZ/MD/451/5 Scarborough's Map of England and Wales about 1908 Maps/Plans England England
DZ/MD/613 Communications 1844 Maps/Plans England England

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