Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/TB/7/3/29 Abstract of title to an estate 1718-1825 Deeds Harworth Nottinghamshire
DX/TB/7/3/29 Abstract of title 1718-1825 Estate Harworth Nottinghamshire
DX/TB/7/3/30 Abstract of title to an estate 1728-1823 Deeds Harworth Nottinghamshire
DX/TB/7/3/30 Abstract of title 1728-1823 Estate Harworth Nottinghamshire
DX/TB/7/3/32 Abstracts of title to land 1762-1847 Deeds Harworth Nottinghamshire
DX/WALK/2/31 Bill for act 18th century Enclosure Harworth Nottinghamshire
DX/WALK/2/32 Act 1799 Enclosure Harworth Nottinghamshire
DX/WALK/5/5 Copy of award early 20th century Enclosure Harworth Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/61413 Articles of agreement by owners of enclosed fields 1795 Enclosure Harworth Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/61413 Articles of agreement by owners of enclosed fields 1795 Deeds Harworth Nottinghamshire

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