Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/DC/O2/3/13 Notes on rent charges 1853-1854 Tithe Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/O2/3/15 Rent charges 1881 Tithe Skellow South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/156 Miscellaneous deeds and other items relating to the estate 1856-1923 Deeds Slade Hooton South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/156 Counterpart lease of coal seam under lands 1 Jul 1932 Deeds Slade Hooton South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/156 Counterpart lease of coal seam under lands 1 Jul 1932 Coal Mining Slade Hooton South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/156 Miscellaneous deeds and other items 1856-1923 Estate Slade Hooton South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62082 Miscellaneous deeds relating to property and the bankruptcy of Joseph Whitaker 1796-1817 Deeds Slade Hooton South Yorkshire
DX/WALK/5/6 Award, copy early 20th century Enclosure Slade Hooton South Yorkshire
DX/WALK/5/7 Map, copy early 20th century Enclosure Slade Hooton South Yorkshire
DX/WALK/5/7 Enclosure, copy early 20th century Maps/Plans Slade Hooton South Yorkshire

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