Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DP/3001 Building control plan of alterations to number 1 Dec 1895 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Park Road South Yorkshire
DP/3003-3011 Building control plans 1897-1920 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Park Road South Yorkshire
AB/7/8/2/21 Draft agreement relating to sewers 1880 Deeds Doncaster, Park Road South Yorkshire
DP/2988-2989 Building control plans of stable 1888 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Park Terrace South Yorkshire
DP/2991-2992 Building control plans of workshops and shed 1901-1906 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Park Terrace South Yorkshire
DP/6463 Building control plan of garage Oct 1925 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Park Terrace South Yorkshire
DP/7718 Building control plan of flats May 1931 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Park Terrace South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/6/19 Parkinson's confectionery works 1970s Photographs Doncaster, Parkinson Street South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/6/19 Photographs of Parkinson's confectionery works 1970s Business Doncaster, Parkinson Street South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/358 Temporary mortuary 1939 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Parkinson Street South Yorkshire

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