Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/DC/E4/2/4-6 Estate about 1808-1843 Maps/Plans Skellow South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/158/1 Copies of plans of Thellusson estates [CD-ROM] 1818 Estate Skellow South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/158/1 Thellusson estates [CD-ROM] 1818 Maps/Plans Skellow South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/670/1 Photograph of Skellow Grange 1960s Estate Skellow South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/670/4 Auction sale catalogue for the contents of Skellow Grange May 1964 Estate Skellow South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/670/4 Auction sale catalogue for the contents of Skellow Grange May 1964 Sales Catalogues Skellow South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/447/1-4 Midwife's registers of cases 1940-1957 Other Local Government Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/C2/106 Correspondence and plans 1950-1957 Land Drainage Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E2/1/1/3 Observations of the Court of Sewers relating to drains 1804 Land Drainage Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/C2/75 Bullcroft Hotel 1927 Maps/Plans Skellow South Yorkshire

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