Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/DAW/1 Miscellaneous deeds relating to number 15 1869-1923 Deeds Doncaster, Oxford Place South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62122 Miscellaneous draft deeds relating to property 1873-1886 Deeds Doncaster, Oxford Place South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/643/3 Wesleyan Methodist circuit plan 1884-1885 Nonconformist Churches Doncaster, Oxford Place South Yorkshire
NM/3 Wesleyan Methodist circuit records 1875-1971 Nonconformist Churches Doncaster, Oxford Place South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/651/4 Plan of seats for the ordination service for the Wesleyan Methodist conference 1940 Nonconformist Churches Doncaster, Oxford Place South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/651/4 Ordination service for the Wesleyan Methodist conference 1940 Nonconformist Churches Doncaster, Oxford Place South Yorkshire
SR/25 Junior Mixed School log book 1905-1931 Schools Doncaster, Oxford Place South Yorkshire
SR/26 Wesleyan Boys School log book 1905-1930 Schools Doncaster, Oxford Place South Yorkshire
DP/2932-2940 Building control plans of properties 1870-1904 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Oxford Place South Yorkshire
DP/2942-2944 Building control plans of properties 1901-1916 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Oxford Place South Yorkshire

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