Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/DC/N1/1/1 Act 1801 Enclosure Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/O3/2/2 Draft agreement for the enclosure of Manor Garth at Moat Hills 1817 Enclosure Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/O3/2/2 Draft agreement for the enclosure of Manor Garth at Moat Hills 1817 Deeds Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/O3/2/7 Correspondence relating to the liability of the inhabitants for statute duty regarding the turnpike road between Robin Hood's Well and Skellow Common town field 7 Jun 1810 Other Local Government Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E1/2/1 Act 1801 Enclosure Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E1/2/2 Act, award and map early 19th century Enclosure Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E1/2/2 Enclosure early 19th century Maps/Plans Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E1/2/3 Award copies early 19th century Enclosure Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E1/2/4-5 Correspondence relating to allotments 1802 Enclosure Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E1/2/7 Correspondence relating to payment of enclosure costs 1804 Enclosure Skellow South Yorkshire

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