Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/62265 Grant of rentcharge on land in the Westfield 1874 Deeds Skellow South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62266 Release and quitclaim on land in Skellow fields 1660 Deeds Skellow South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62267/1-5 Miscellaneous deeds relating to cottages and land 1723-1766 Deeds Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/C2/64 Correspondence relating to the letting of South Farm house 1946-1947 Estate Skellow South Yorkshire
DX/TB/9/1/11 Abstract of title, exchange and other items relating to Old Ea Beck Scheme 1856-1955 Deeds Skellow South Yorkshire
DX/TB/9/1/11 Abstract of title, exchange and other items relating to Old Ea Beck Scheme 1856-1955 Land Drainage Skellow South Yorkshire
DX/TB/9/1/14 Agreements and other items relating to land 1938-1958 Deeds Skellow South Yorkshire
DX/TB/9/1/15 Abstract of title and other items relating to land conveyed for the purpose of road improvements 1939-1968 Deeds Skellow South Yorkshire
DX/TB/9/1/16 Draft conveyance of land 15 Sep 1954 Deeds Skellow South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/496 Act 1801 Enclosure Skellow South Yorkshire

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