Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
P/ARCH/1/13 | File relating to registration of coal mining land belonging to the parish, with plan | 1938-1945 | Coal Mining | Doncaster, St George | South Yorkshire |
P/ARCH/1/13 | Coal mining land | 1938-1945 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, St George | South Yorkshire |
DZ/SYK/117 | Notes on the descent of ownership of Three Cranes Inn | 1698-1788 | Business | Doncaster, French Gate | South Yorkshire |
DY/WILD | Records of Wild and Sykes, ironmongers | 1908-1999 | Business | Doncaster, High Street | South Yorkshire |
DY/PUNCH | Records of the Planet Trading Company | 1913-1955 | Business | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DY/PUNCH/24-26 | Records of J.H. Cook and Company Limited | 1921-1955 | Business | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
MC/1/2/4 | Rules and correspondence relating to Doncaster Stadium Club | 1922-1956 | Organisations | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DY/CRAB/1 | Client account book for G.M. Crabtree, undertaker | 1938-1961 | Business | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DD/MO | Records of R.F. Moate and Sons, speculative builders | 1889-1973 | Business | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DY/STAN | Records of Stanilands, auctioneers and estate agents | 1921-1988 | Business | Doncaster, Hall Gate | South Yorkshire |
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