Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
NM/36/6/2 Methodist chapel schedules 1849 Nonconformist Churches Hatfield South Yorkshire
NM/45 High Street Wesleyan Methodist chapel records 1895-1983 Nonconformist Churches Hatfield South Yorkshire
NM/71 Station Road Primitive Methodist church records 1914-1963 Nonconformist Churches Hatfield South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/2/8 Sheets 277.8 and 277.12 1906 Ordnance Survey Hatfield South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/2/9 Sheet 277.8 1930 Ordnance Survey Hatfield South Yorkshire
DS/46 Victoria Hall records 1899-1969 Organisations Hatfield South Yorkshire
DS/54 Records of Robert Forster's Charity 1779-1983 Organisations Hatfield South Yorkshire
DS/55 Records of The Hethefield Trust 1935-1985 Organisations Hatfield South Yorkshire
DS/90 Records of the Town Cricket Club 1921-1996 Organisations Hatfield South Yorkshire
DS/14 Records of Doncaster Socialist (International) 1967-1987 Organisations Hatfield South Yorkshire

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