Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/BEASTALL/5/28 Sheffield Papermakers, Tanya Schmoller 1992 Business Sheffield South Yorkshire
DS/14/8/46 Political Consciousness of the 1st Sheffield Shop Stewards Committee 1977 Publications Sheffield South Yorkshire
DS/14/8/46 Political Consciousness of the 1st Sheffield Shop Stewards Committee 1977 Organisations Sheffield South Yorkshire
DS/6/9/19 Six Years of Labour Rule in Sheffield 1926-1932 Publications Sheffield South Yorkshire
DD/MF/2/59 Extract from the Independent newspaper 1866-1903 Publications Sheffield South Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/3/15 Copy of Sheffield Mercury 1840s Publications Sheffield South Yorkshire
DD/DC/B1/2/1 Plan and section of intended railway 9 Dec 1930 Railways Sheffield South Yorkshire
DS/6/9/12 NUR [National Union of Railwaymen] notices for mass meetings early 20th century Railways Sheffield South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60962 Papers relating to a proposed deviation of the Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley, Wakefield, Huddersfield and Goole Railway 1850 Railways Sheffield South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60962 Papers relating to a proposed deviation of the Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley, Wakefield, Huddersfield and Goole Railway 1850 Business Sheffield South Yorkshire

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