Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
P70/2/E4 | Church hall extensions | 1969-1972 | Maps/Plans | Kendray | South Yorkshire |
PR/SYK/ADD/4/1-2 | Applications for rights of common land relating to the river and banks | 1969-1972 | Civil Parish | River Don | River Don |
DS/14/9/4 | China Pictorial | 1969-1971 | Publications | China | China |
DD/DC/C2/122 | Improvements to Church Cottage | 1969-1971 | Maps/Plans | Owston | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/500/7 | Copy tenancy agreement for the Lodge at Cusworth Hall | 1969-1970 | Estate | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/500/7 | Copy tenancy agreement for the Lodge at Cusworth Hall | 1969-1970 | Deeds | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/429/3/1 | Subject file relating to Thorne Market Place Compulsory Purchase Order | 1969-1970 | Other Local Government | Thorne | South Yorkshire |
DD/PROSS/3/54 | Branch line closure | 1969-1970 | Railways | Waverley | Surrey |
DZ/MD/500/7 | Correspondence concerning the application of Mr Gordon-Smith for a trading licence | 1969-1970 | Business | South Yorkshire | South Yorkshire |
PR/SYK/ADD/3/6 | Correspondence relating to power station ash disposal | 1969-1970 | Business | Drax | North Yorkshire |
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