Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/COV/7/2 Admittance to North Ing Croft and two doles of meadow 1784 Manorial Hatfield South Yorkshire
DD/COV/7/5 Miscellaneous deed relating to a messuage near the church 1849-1877 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DD/COV/7/6 Miscellaneous deed relating to a messuage at the east end 1850-1901 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DD/COV/8/7 Lease of freehold part of a farm 20 Mar 1840 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DD/COV/8/8 Draft grant of a rent charge concerning the parish 4 May 1861 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/636/6 Release of two allotments on the commons 10 May 1821 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/636/8 Lease and release of two allotments on the commons Mar 1830 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/699/1 Copy abstract of title to properties 1950-1951 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/664/1-34 Miscellaneous deeds relating to property acquired by the Woodall and Machin families 1716-1871 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61602/55 Notices of commissioners and other papers 1810-1814 Enclosure Hatfield South Yorkshire

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