Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/TAY/6/25 Warmsworth Hall, A Short History, D. Morgan Rees 1970s Estate Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DZ/TAY/6/25 Warmsworth Hall, A Short History, D. Morgan Rees 1970s Publications Warmsworth South Yorkshire
P31/10/18 Warmsworth Hall, A Short History, D. Morgan Rees 1970s Estate Warmsworth South Yorkshire
P31/10/18 Warmsworth Hall, A Short History, D. Morgan Rees 1970s Publications Warmsworth South Yorkshire
P31/8/4 Church of England School 1970s Maps/Plans Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DD/MF/4/12 1861 returns 1970s Census Wellingley South Yorkshire
DD/MF/4/12 1861 returns for Wentworth Woodhouse 1970s Census Wentworth South Yorkshire
DD/MF/4/12 1861 census returns for Wentworth Woodhouse 1970s Estate Wentworth South Yorkshire
RDN/1/21 Parish surveys 1970s Anglican Parish Wheatley Park South Yorkshire
DD/MF/4/12 1861 returns 1970s Census Wilsic South Yorkshire

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