Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
MQ/2/41-43 | Registers of non-fatal accidents in coal mines | 1946-1949 | Coal Mining | Rotherham | South Yorkshire |
MQ/3/1-3 | Registers of fatal and non-fatal accidents in coal mines | 1950-1959 | Coal Mining | Rotherham | South Yorkshire |
MQ/4/1-3 | Registers of dangerous occurrences in coal mines | 1946-1974 | Coal Mining | Rotherham | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/62257 | Draft conveyance and other items relating to land sold to the New Sheffield and Rotherham Racecourse Company Limited | 1886-1894 | Deeds | Rotherham | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/62257 | Draft conveyance and correspondence relating to land sold to the New Sheffield and Rotherham Racecourse Company Limited | 1886-1894 | Business | Rotherham | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/62258 | Indenture of fine of premises and lands | 1796 | Deeds | Rotherham | South Yorkshire |
DH2/26-27 | Leases of offices on the first floor of All Saints building, with plans and othr items | 1947-1949 | Deeds | Rotherham | South Yorkshire |
DH2/26 | All Saints building | 1947 | Maps/Plans | Rotherham | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/D/900 | Exemplification of common recovery relating to messuage | 22 Jun 1531 | Deeds | Rotherham | South Yorkshire |
DX/HATT/4/6 | Draft lease of football field and dressing rooms at Mexborough by Rotherham United Football Club Limited | 21 Apr 1952 | Deeds | Rotherham | South Yorkshire |
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