Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/838/3/1 Water mains under factory of British Nylon Spinners Limited May 1958 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Wheatley Hall Road South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/838/5/2 Letter relating to borehole facilities on Clay Lane Jan 1997 Business Wheatley South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/838/2/1 Agreement between West Riding County Council and British Bemberg Limited relating to the laying of water pipelines and electric cables on Clay Lane 1933 Business Wheatley South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/838/2/1 Agreement between West Riding County Council and British Bemberg Limited relating to the laying of water pipelines and electric cables in Clay Lane 1933 Deeds Wheatley South Yorkshire
DHA Health Authority records 1999-2001 Organisations Doncaster South Yorkshire
SR/160/7/1-6 Percy Jackson Grammar School; pupils, teachers and hockey team 1950s Photographs Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DX/ATT/4/1 Abstract of title, with plan 1937 Estate Scawthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/ATT/4/1 Abstract of title to estate, with plan 1937 Deeds Scawthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/ATT/4/1 Land next to Scawthorpe Grange 1937 Maps/Plans Scawthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/ATT/4/2 Supplemental abstract of title to freehold land on Jossey Lane 1938 Deeds Scawthorpe South Yorkshire

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