Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
SY/670/Z5/11-13 Mortgages on land 1869-1873 Deeds Hatfield Moors South Yorkshire
SY/712/B212 R. Wright's estate about 1848 Maps/Plans Hatfield Moors South Yorkshire
SY/712/B214 R. Wright's estate about 1848 Maps/Plans Hatfield Moors South Yorkshire
SY/712/B212 Plan of R. Wright's estate about 1848 Estate Hatfield Moors South Yorkshire
SY/712/B214 Plan of R. Wright's estate about 1848 Estate Hatfield Moors South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/23/11 Valuation of tenant right on Mill Farm 1929 Estate Hatfield Lings South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/23/14 Copy valuation of tenant right on Mill Farm 1932 Estate Hatfield Lings South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64287 Sale of lands 1817-1823 Business Hatfield Lings South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/141 Abstracts of title to land 1688-1818 Deeds Hatfield Lings South Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/5/13 Miscellaneous deeds and other items relating to partition 1830-1837 Estate Hatfield Lings South Yorkshire

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