Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DX/BAX/62256 | Draft deeds relating to the estate of Henry Chadburn | 1834 | Deeds | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
DX/WAR/G3 | Sale plan for the Rossington Hall estate | 1938 | Estate | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/65180/3 | Power of attorney to deliver seisin of lands | 10 Nov 1677 | Estate | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/712/2 | Sale plan for the Rossington Hall estate | 1938 | Estate | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
DD/BW/L67 | Poster advertising sale of the Rossington Hall estate | 1838 | Estate | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/894 | Note as to the value of certain lands | 18th century | Estate | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
AB/9/7/1-5 | Lawsuit concerning claim to the title | 1609-1611 | Manorial | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
AB/9/7/1-5 | Lawsuit concerning claim to the title of the manor | 1609-1611 | Other Local Government | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/17 | Exemplification of a plea in King's Bench | 14 May 1363 | Manorial | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/246 | Exemplification of an inquisition of 1464 about forfeiture | 12 Feb 1610 | Manorial | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
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