Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MB/PROP/1/47 Survey of Board Mixed 1903-1904 Schools Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
SY/515/F4/2-4 Abstracts of title to messuage and garth 1840 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
SY/614/K47/4 Accounts for the Nursing Association 1947 Organisations Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
SY/670/Z3/4 Declaration regarding the estate of Dr William Mathews May 1866 Estate Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
SY/670/Z3/5 Certificate of search made in the Register of Deeds regarding property of William Matthews Jun 1866 Estate Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
SY/670/Z6/2 Abstract of title to estates 1838 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
SY/670/Z6/2 Abstract of title 1838 Estate Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
DD/GOS/253 Deed of partition of Piper Shawe Close 23 Dec 1605 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
DD/GOS/51 Surrender and admission of Shipcoates and the Garths 12 Nov 1771 Manorial Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
DD/GOS/416 Conveyance of house and premises at the west end 2 Mar 1785 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire

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