Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
AB/7/4/459-460 | Lease and counterpart of messuage, arable land and meadow | 10 Sep 1650 | Deeds | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/461-462 | Lease and counterpart of messuage and lands | 13 Sep 1650 | Deeds | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/463 | Bargain and sale of Rossington Park, Park Carr and Rye Park | 18 Sep 1650 | Deeds | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/463 | Bargain and sale of Rossington Park, Park Carr and Rye Park | 18 Sep 1650 | Estate | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/466-471 | Lease and counterpart of messuage and lands | 29 Sep 1650 | Deeds | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/476 | Lease of messuage and lands | 17 Jun 1651 | Deeds | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/483 | Lease of dwelling house at Rossington Bridge | 24 Jun 1654 | Deeds | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/531 | Lease of Park Carr and Rye Park | 30 Sep 1661 | Deeds | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/531 | Lease of Park Carr and Rye Park | 30 Sep 1661 | Estate | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/4/546 | Bargain and sale of trees on the south side of Hunster | 1 May 1665 | Deeds | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
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