Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DD/CROM/6/10-12 | Rentals | 1812-1825 | Estate | Barnburgh | South Yorkshire |
DX/HATT/1/30 | Draft conveyance of Barnburgh Hall, cottages and land | 9 Jul 1927 | Estate | Barnburgh | South Yorkshire |
DX/HATT/5/4 | Draft agreement for sale and purchase of Barnburgh Hall, buildings and land | 23 Jun 1935 | Estate | Barnburgh | South Yorkshire |
DX/HATT/5/5 | Draft conveyance of Barnburgh Hall and land | 4 Mar 1935 | Estate | Barnburgh | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/708/1 | Photographs of Plane Tree Farm House | late 20th century | Estate | Barnburgh | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/753/2 | Archaeological survey of Green Farm | 2005 | Estate | Barnburgh | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/61948 | Sketch plan of Dr Oakes' enclosed land | 1807 | Estate | Barnburgh | South Yorkshire |
DS/53/1/14 | Photograph of Barnburgh Hall | 1920s-1930s | Estate | Barnburgh | South Yorkshire |
P3/10/B1 | Sale particulars for Barnburgh Hall estate | 1859 | Estate | Barnburgh | South Yorkshire |
P3/10/B3 | Sale particulars for the Melton Hall estate | 1927-1928 | Estate | Barnburgh | South Yorkshire |
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