Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/61571/1-14 Miscellaneous title deeds relating to land 1603-1791 Deeds Haxey Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61860 Abstract of title to land 1869 Deeds Haxey Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61911 Conveyance of Crookehill 1672 Deeds Haxey Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61912/1-11 Abstract of title and other deeds relating to land 1696-1722 Deeds Haxey Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61915 Abstracts of title and draft deeds relating to property 1829-1834 Deeds Haxey Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/62080 Abstract of title to lands 1856 Deeds Haxey Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/62081 Draft deeds and other items relating to land sales 1856 Deeds Haxey Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/62227 Abstract of title to lands and premises 1899 Deeds Haxey Lincolnshire
DY/BML/3/8 Conveyance of land at Claymarkets Mar 1900 Deeds Haxey Lincolnshire
DX/TB/5/24 Abstract of title and other items relating to copyhold land 1889-1908 Deeds Haxey Lincolnshire

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