Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/TB/4/115 Conveyance of Common Allotment, Common Close and four cottages 1887-1904 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/114 Conveyance of Common Allotment, Common Close and four cottages 1853-1878 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/113 Lease of Ings and Buckstye Closes 30 Jan 1807 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/112 Surrender of mortgages and lease of Ings Closes, Bucksty Ings and Raigh Ings 1804, 1815 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/111 Conveyance and mortgage of Balby Common Close 1872-1873 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/110 Conveyance of Common Close, Balby Common Close and Elbow Close 1887-1913 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/11 Abstract of title and other items relating to a dwelling house and land 1848-1898 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/109 Conveyance of Court Yard, Woodfield Close, Elbow Close, Cuckoo Lane Close and Spansyke Close 1867-1868 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/109 Court Yard, Woodfield Close and Elbow Close 1867-1868 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/108 Conveyance of Elbow Closes, formerly Ley Roe and Common Close 1817-1853 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire

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