Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/TB/12/4/4 Certified extracts from the registers of St James relating to the burials of the Mawe family and William Parkin Bosville 1811-1814 Anglican Parish Ravenfield South Yorkshire
DD/MF/4/15 1861 returns 1970s Census Ravenfield South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/500/6 Articles and publications on Ravenfield Hall Jan-Jul 1966 Estate Ravenfield South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/500/6 Articles and publications on Ravenfield Hall Jan-Jul 1966 Publications Ravenfield South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E13/5 Statement of tenants and rent 1746 Estate Ravenfield South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E6/2 Rental early 17th century Manorial Ravenfield South Yorkshire
PR/BRAITH/6/3 Sheet 240 1930s Ordnance Survey Ravenfield South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/2/7 Sheet 289.5 1903 Ordnance Survey Ravenfield South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/2/7 Sheet 289.9 1903 Ordnance Survey Ravenfield South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/2/7 Ordnance Survey Sheet 289.5 showing Ravenfield Park estate 1903 Estate Ravenfield South Yorkshire

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