Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/DAW/9/189 Magclough House estate 1925 Photographs Eyam Derbyshire
DZ/MD/887 Magazines, annual prizegiving programmes and other items relating to the Municipal Girls' High School 1919-1990s Schools Doncaster, Waterdale South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/897 Magazines of the Convent of Our Lady of Mercy Collegiate School 1939-1946 Schools Cantley South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/897 Magazines of the Convent of Our Lady of Mercy Collegiate School 1939-1946 Publications Cantley South Yorkshire
DD/BW/Y49 Magazines and extracts relating to British campaigns 1885 Publications Afghanistan Afghanistan
DD/BW/Y49 Magazines and extracts relating to British campaigns 1885 Military Afghanistan Afghanistan
DD/BW/Y49 Magazines and extracts relating to British campaigns 1885 Publications Sudan Africa
DD/BW/Y49 Magazines and extracts relating to British campaigns 1885 Military Sudan Africa
DZ/MD/887 Magazines and annual prizegiving programmes relating to the Municipal Girls' High School early 20th century Publications Doncaster, Waterdale South Yorkshire
DS/135 Magazine and promotional leaflets relating to the Don and Dearne Society about 2004 Publications River Don River Don

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