Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MB/PLAN/3/7 Tithe, copy 1842 Maps/Plans Owston South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/88 Map and award, copy 1842 Tithe Owston South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/88 Tithe, copy 1842 Maps/Plans Owston South Yorkshire
PR/OW/73 Map and apportionment 1842 Tithe Owston South Yorkshire
PR/OW/73 Tithe 1842 Maps/Plans Owston South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 277.8 1930 Ordnance Survey Park Lane South Yorkshire
P72/2/B15 London Gazette containing a notice of the apportionment of the income of the benefice 31 Aug 1894 Anglican Parish Parkgate South Yorkshire
P72/2/B15 London Gazette containing a notice of the apportionment of the income of the benefice 31 Aug 1894 Publications Parkgate South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/3/16 Draft conveyance of land near Victoria Road 31 Jan 1899 Deeds Parkgate South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/S/VOLUME 2 Netherfield Lane 1887 Maps/Plans Parkgate South Yorkshire

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