Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/BAYES Photographs, diaries and correspondence of Sapper Ernest Bayes of the Royal Engineers 1917-1919 Military Germany Germany
DD/BAYES/2/2 Sapper Ernest Bayes of the Royal Engineers 1917-1919 Photographs France France
DD/BAYES/2/2 Sapper Ernest Bayes of the Royal Engineers 1917-1919 Photographs Germany Germany
DD/BAYES/2/2 Postcard view 1917-1919 Photographs Cologne Germany
DD/BAYES/2/2 Postcard view 1917-1919 Photographs St Pol France
DD/BAYES/2/2 Postcard view 1917-1919 Photographs Avesne le Comte France
DD/BAYES/2/2 Postcard view 1917-1919 Photographs Rouen France
DY/DAW/23/17-25 Gravel and sand pits 1917-1920 Maps/Plans Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
DP/564-571 Building control plans of additions and extensions to Peglers, Belmont Avenue 1917-1920 Business Balby South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/827/7 Presscuttings relating to colliery housing and clergymen as pit workers 1917-1920 Coal Mining Rossington South Yorkshire

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