Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/35/5 Methodist church about 1975 Photographs Doncaster, South Parade South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/35/5 Woodhouses Furnishing Stores about 1975 Photographs Doncaster, High Street South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/35/5 Photograph of Woodhouses Furnishing Stores about 1975 Business Doncaster, High Street South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/35/5 Probation office about 1975 Photographs Doncaster, Thorne Road South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/458/3 Cinema buildings [Album] early 1980s Photographs Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/458/3 Photograph album of cinema buildings early 1980s Business Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/619/3 Photograph of entrance to aerodrome 1990 Business Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/619/3 Entrance to aerodrome 1990 Photographs Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/630/27 Dispensary early 20th century Photographs Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/630/27 Photograph of Dispensary early 20th century Hospitals Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire

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