Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DS/53/1/106-107 Parish church 1920s-1930s Photographs Hemsworth West Yorkshire
DY/DAW/17/10 Hemsworth Hall and grounds about 1920 Photographs Hemsworth West Yorkshire
DD/BW/K1-5 Papers relating to the advowson 1631-1770s Anglican Parish Hemsworth West Yorkshire
MIC/1 Bishop's Transcripts 1601-1876 Bishop's Transcripts Hemsworth West Yorkshire
DS/53/4/60 Postcard of the colliery early-mid 20th century Coal Mining Hemsworth West Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/4/1 Counterpart lease of coal seams 31 Dec 1930 Coal Mining Hemsworth West Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/4/1 Counterpart lease of coal seams 31 Dec 1930 Deeds Hemsworth West Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/4/3 Lease and other items relating to coal bed under lands at Kinsley Common 1891-1921 Coal Mining Hemsworth West Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/4/3 Lease relating to coal bed under lands at Kinsley Common 1891-1921 Deeds Hemsworth West Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/4/4 Share certificates, correspondence and other items relating to the sale of a share in Hemsworth Colliery Company Limited 1891-1929 Coal Mining Hemsworth West Yorkshire

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