Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/WALK/2/22 Act 1801 Enclosure Wildmore Fen Lincolnshire
DX/WALK/2/23 Amendment 1802 Enclosure Wildmore Fen Lincolnshire
DX/WALK/2/47 Act 1822 Enclosure Wingfield Wiltshire
DX/WALK/2/44 Act 1803 Enclosure Worksop Nottinghamshire
AB/7/4/712 Writ giving Robert Copley the right to enclose a common footway leading from the highway between Doncaster and Hatfield to the River Dun 1 Oct 1742 Enclosure Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/149/1 Correspondence and other items concerning the enclosure of parts of the common and rights over common land 1908-1959 Enclosure Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/510 Minute book of the Commissioners Sep 1771 Enclosure Doncaster South Yorkshire
RD/DON/2/283 Copy of act 1765 Enclosure Doncaster Carr South Yorkshire
RD/DON/2/284 Copy of part of award 1765 Enclosure Doncaster Carr South Yorkshire
RD/DON/2/285 Map 1765 Enclosure Doncaster Carr South Yorkshire

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