Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MB/PLAN/3/8 Ordnance Survey map annotated with field numbers from 1842 map late 20th century Tithe Owston South Yorkshire
PR/OW/74/4 Sheet 265.13 1893 Ordnance Survey Owston South Yorkshire
PR/OW/74/7 Sheet 264.16 1893 Ordnance Survey Owston South Yorkshire
MB/PLAN/3/13 Photocopied extract from G.A. Usher Owston and Gwysanney 1964 Publications Owston South Yorkshire
MB/PLAN/3/12 Humphry Repton's Red Books 1984 Publications Owston South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E10/1 Sale conditions for Thorn Hirst Farm 12 Dec 1793 Sales Catalogues Owston South Yorkshire
P23/10/3/7 Plans, sections and book of reference for Great Northern Railway extension 1862 Railways Owston South Yorkshire
P23/10/3/7 Plans, sections and book of reference for Great Northern Railway extension 1862 Business Owston South Yorkshire
P23/10/3/7 Railway extension 1862 Maps/Plans Owston South Yorkshire
P23/10/3/11 Plans and sections of connecting lines for Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway 1866 Railways Owston South Yorkshire

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